BIM - Model Analysis
In order to assist the development of projects from an early stage, Revit can be used to model the factors of the site that will inform the design and costing process. This allows the team to produce a properly thought out design and construction strategy for a successful project.
Site Constraints
In order to assist the development of projects from an early stage, Revit can be used to model the factors of the site that will inform the design and costing process. This allows the team to produce a properly thought out design and construction strategy for a successful project.
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Site Constraints3D model showing electricity pylon | Site Constraints3D model of proposed basement with site constraints modelled - boundary, existing topography, buried services, borehole information and existing building. | Site ConstraintsCut away model to show made ground profile and foundations. |
Site ConstraintsModelling site constraints, site boundary, existing site levels and buried service pipe. | Site ConstraintsModelling site constraints, borehole information added to model to show strata. | Site ConstraintsExisting structure model for refurbishment project. |
Site ConstraintsExisting structure model for extension and refurbishment project. |
Site Analysis
An analysis of the site can be carried out to determine the most suitable proposed levels and co-ordinate with the significant features of the site. This process is carried out whilst monitoring the approximate cut and fill volumes to ensure that an economic and practical solution can be found.
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Site AnalysisDetermining proposed site levels to tie into existing with approximate cut and fill analysis. | Site AnalysisSetting the new structure into the site levels. | Site AnalysisSteep sloping site analysis for residential project with approximate cut and fill analysis. |
Site AnalysisSite sections produced showing proposed building plot levels, existing ground profile and proposed ground profile. | Site Analysis3-D visualisation of sloping site and proposed building plots. |
Material Quantities
In addition to the approximate cut and fill analysis of the site the structural elements of the project can be closely monitored using the Revit model in order to help inform the cost planning of the project.
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Material QuantitiesExample of steel tonnage from Revit model. | Material QuantitiesExample of foundation pile numbers, concrete volumes and reinforcement tonnage from Revit model. | Material QuantitiesExample of approximate cut and fill volumes from Revit model. |